
Hazells Bowls Club
Shakespeare Way
HP20 1JF

Want to become a member?

Call us on 01296 337406


Email: info@hazellsbowlsclub.co.uk


Contact us directly using our online contact or 

complete the attached application form

Membership Application 2025
Membership Application 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [593.5 KB]

2015 Competition Details

Colchester Memorial Trophy - 25th May 2015 - Gerry Moores & Sue Morgan won the day and were closely followed by Bob Perry & Maureen Warwick. Both of these pairs have now qualified for the FInal in August

American Tournament - 30th May 2015 1pm for 1.30 start - Great turnout for this event and the final standings are available below. Mark Newman won this years competition with Nick Griffiths the runner-up

Mens Triples - Preliminary Round (If Required) 27th June 2015 10am

                         - Quarter & Semi Finals - 11th July 2015 am & pm

Mixed Triples - Preliminary Round (If Required) 4th July 2015 10am

                          - Quarter & Semi Finals - 22nd August 2015 am & pm

International Tournament - 18th July 2015 pm

Jubilee Shield - 9th August 2015 pm

Aussie Pairs - 31st August 2015 pm

Captain v President - 4th October 2015 pm

Corners Competition - 10th October 2015 (to be confirmed)


Men's Singles - Gerry Moores beat Roger Crick 21-13

Men's Handicap Singles - Roger Crick beat Nick Griffiths 21-8

Men's Two Wood Singles - Gerry Moores beat Roger Crick 17-3

Men's Pairs - John Griffiths & Nick Griffiths beat Dan LIvett & Mark Newman 23-20

Men's Triples - Matthew Crick, Gerry Moores & Nick Griffiths beat Ian Ramsay, Rob Whetter & Fred Baldwin 13-12

Ladies Singles - Janet Moores beat Ann Richardson 24-17

Ladies Handicap Singles - Ellen Livett beat Kim Challinor 23-6

Ladies Two Wood - Teresa Newman beat Jan Moores 15-7

Ladies Pairs - Teresa Newman & Kate Griffiths beat Sandy Hinton & Inger McNeill 19-15

Open Singles - Mark Newman beat Roger Crick 21-9

Novice Singles - Pete Coyne beat Roger Kane 21-11

Ken Vincent Trophy - Gerry Moores & George Murdoch beat Teresa & Mark Newman 32-9

Colchester Memorial Trophy - Gerry Moores & Sue Morgan beat Bob Perry & Maureen Warwick 91-59

Mixed Triples - Roy Richardson, JOhn Simmons & Janet Moores beat Sheila Lawlor, Norman Bonham & Keith Harper 20-7

Finals Weekend.docx
Microsoft Word document [23.2 KB]
Anyone wishing to enter the Hazells Club Competitions are asked to complete and return the attached entry form by the closing date. Please be aware of round closing dates and finals weekend before entering if you are unlikely to be available for those dates.
Hazells Competition Entry Form 2015.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [113.2 KB]

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